Can dogs suffer from depression in 2022, and if so, how will it be treated?

Can dogs have depression ? The answer is yes. Dogs can also suffer from similar pathologies as humans. Being is important because the symptoms may go unnoticed, but the situation can be quite serious and requires veterinary or ethological consultation.
When we detect a dog with depression, we can be concerned. Symptoms of this disorder should be observed and treated as soon as possible by a veterinarian. A dog can suffer from depression more often than you think, and the symptoms that appear often go unnoticed because they are not viewed as serious.
If your dog has depression, what can you do? This article explains how it works.
Exogenous and endogenous depressions in dogs can be distinguished. Environmental factors are the most common cause of the second. In endogenous depression, the biological basis is unknown. We can detect these symptoms:
Reduction of your activity.
Become less friendly to other people and dogs.
An absence of interest in the environment.
A disorder of eating (compulsive overeating or stopping eating).
Insomnia (not sleeping enough or sleeping too much).
Moans, cries and howls .
Search for places of refuge.
Behavior changes.
Less desire to play.
It is not uncommon for him to lick his feet a lot.
In dogs, there are several situations that can cause depression:
After another dog has died, dogs suffer from depression
Animals such as dogs form very close bonds with both humans and other animals. Just like we can, they can grieve through depression when they lose a loved one.
A dog's depression caused by moving
It is possible for behavioral problems and even disorders to occur as a result of a sudden change of home or family. Adaptation and acceptance will take time. If you need help reestablishing attachment, we can provide you with appropriate stimuli.
The effects of illness on depression in dogs
There are certain diseases that can interfere with dogs' daily routine of playing and walking, which can result in depression in them.
local pet classifieds causes depression in dogs
A hormonal imbalance may occur in unsterilized female dogs after heat, causing them to believe that they are pregnant. Afterward, she will develop maternal instincts and depression will become part of her behavior.
stress depression in dogs
Stress can result from many factors, such as fights, conflicts with other animals or illness in your dog friend. The result can be depression.
A dog's depression may be caused by changes in the weather or the seasons
Seasonal changes and prolonged bad weather can impact pets' moods, just as they do in humans.
Separation depression in dogs
Often, destructive behavior occurs when a dog hasn't learned to stay home alone. Depressed dogs may also suffer from being separated too quickly from their mothers and siblings.
If a dog is suffering from depression, a vet should perform a physical examination to rule out physical causes. It is the veterinarian's responsibility to investigate the trigger in order to determine what treatment will be effective. Medications may be required if the case is severe.
Even if you consult an ethologist or veterinarian, you can show your support for your canine companion through some tips.
If your dog has depression, spend time with him so he feels that you are helping him and making him feel integrated. Dogs live in packs and need to feel sheltered and protected.
Keeping it stimulated is very important. We should take walks to relieve ourselves, not just to relieve ourselves. Physically and mentally stimulate him by letting him do the exercises adjusted to his age.
Another furry friend could be a risky decision, but one that could work. Taking this decision lightly and even harming your animal is something you should discuss with your veterinarian or ethologist.
In the past, dogs have been wild animals that love to roam the outdoors and enjoy nature. Since this is still ingrained in our dog's instincts, his depression may be related to a lack of outdoor activity. Play tag with your dog while you walk or go for a walk after you.
Especially if you have recently lost an older dog, this may help your depressed dog. You may be able to help your dog through a difficult time if you introduce a new dog into your home, and with a little time to adjust, it may add some value.